A few clients have asked us about recent notifications received from Network Solutions (and others): "Action Required: Notice Regarding Your Domain Name(s)". In this day and age, we recommend that all users stay alert when opening email, and we welcome questions about the legitimacy of received mail - better safe than sorry!
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It's the latest buzz word in technology - the "cloud". Many of our clients are asking about the cloud, so we want to take some of the mystery out of it. The definition from Wikipedia sums is up simply: "Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet)". The name comes from the cloud diagram that is typically used in network diagrams to symbolize the Internet.
Tags: Internet, Cloud computing, cloud
February 7 is Safer Internet Day, which is organized by Insafe each year to help promote safer and more responsible use of the Internet and mobile phones, especially among young people. There are events all over the world today with this year's theme focused on "Connecting generations and educating each other". This is a great idea because we can all help each other - tech savvy young people can teach their grandparents about how to get around on-line, and grandparents have the wisdom to help their grandchildren stay safe.
Tags: Security, Internet, Safer Internet Day
This week, Wikipedia went dark and Google blacked out its logo in protest over two controversial intellectual property bills being discussed in Congress: Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA). The intent of the new laws is to protect authors and creators of intellectual property from getting ripped off. However both proposed laws are seriously flawed.
Tags: Internet, censorship, SOPA, PIPA