Technology Advisor Blog

Boston Data Security Services: Why Data Protection Matters

Posted by Ann Westerheim on 6/21/24 2:16 PM

Data security in Boston, and other major business centers, is becoming a pillar of business readiness, as leaders look to proactively protect their business data.

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Tags: cybersecurity, cybersecurity training, Cyber Insurance

Outsmarting QR Code Scams: Your Guide to Spotting and Stopping Them

Posted by Ann Westerheim on 1/25/24 4:39 PM

QR codes, short for Quick Response Codes, are the gateway between the physical and digital realms, offering a seamless bridge in our interconnected world.  Just point your camera at a QR Code and you'll be conveniently directed to a website.  Easy, right?   However, their simplicity and widespread adoption have opened the door for innovative cybercriminals to exploit. These tech-savvy fraudsters ingeniously manipulate QR codes, turning them into tools for executing scams, potentially leading to significant security breaches and financial damage. As a small business owner in the digital age, it's imperative to understand the nature of QR code scams and the strategies to effectively recognize and thwart them. This article will arm you with essential tips and insights, empowering you to safeguard your business against the hidden dangers of these seemingly innocuous codes.

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Tags: Managed Services, cybersecurity, cybersecurity training

How Much Will Cyber Crime Cost in 2024?

Posted by Ann Westerheim on 1/12/24 9:14 AM

As small business owners, it's crucial to be aware of the increasing risk of cyber crime, a concern that's rapidly escalating in today's digital world. Experts from Cybersecurity Ventures predict that by 2024, cybercrime could result in global costs of up to $9 trillion each year. This alarming figure highlights the importance of protecting your business. The question is, how will this financial impact affect local small businesses? Cyber incidents at big businesses make the national headlines, but small businesses are getting hit just as hard, it's just these incidents don't make the headlines.  The goal isn't to make everyone scared - that just makes us overwhelmed.  What can you do?  The significance of regular training to develop strong, cyber-secure habits cannot be overstated. Such training is key to defending your business against these evolving digital threats.

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Tags: cybersecurity, cybersecurity training

2024 State of Cybersecurity: Convenience, Security, and Digital Transformation

Posted by Ann Westerheim on 11/20/23 2:19 PM

Cybersecurity is in the news just about every day!  The balance between cybersecurity and convenience is always tough, and sometimes cybersecurity can even get in the way.  

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Tags: small business technology, small business technology advice., cybersecurity, cybersecurity training

Back-to-School Cybersecurity Tips

Posted by Ann Westerheim on 8/28/23 12:34 PM

As summer winds down and the back-to-school season ramps up, it’s the perfect time to review the importance of safeguarding children’s online presence. In a time characterized by the prevalence of social media and digital sharing, it’s crucial to be aware of the risks associated with posting and sharing personal  information about your children on these platforms. This applies to both you and them! It can lead to potential cybersecurity breaches, and it can also have long-lasting consequences for your child’s privacy and safety. Here are some vital pointers and tips to assist in upholding your family’s online safety as your children return to school.

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Tags: cybersecurity, cybersecurity training

I'm a Small Business.  Why Would a Ransomware Gang be Out to Get Me?

Posted by Ann Westerheim on 9/20/22 11:38 AM

"I'm a small business.  Why would a ransomware gang be out to get me?"  This is a question we hear a lot working with local businesses.  Everyone sees the big cyber crime headlines in the news, most recently with Uber, and last year quite visibly with the Colonial Pipeline, but what many people don't realize is that half of these kinds of threats hit small businesses - the events just don't make national news.  Why are so many small businesses impacted when there are bigger targets out there?  It's Ransomware as a Service.  What's ransomware as a service? You’re likely familiar with software as a service (SaaS) but ransomware? What does that mean?

First, let’s do a quick review of what ransomware is. It's a type of malware that holds the victim’s files and folders for ransom.  This sounds like something out of a Tom Cruise movie, but basically a giant warning shows up on your screen with a ticking clock that says pay the ransom, or you won't ever access your files again.  Most typically, malware gets on your computer network through human error with someone inadvertently clicking on the wrong link or opening the wrong email attachment (like a fake resume).   The malware is deployed and encrypts network data, with a safe return of your data being promised when the ransom is paid. And with payments usually made through cryptocurrency, these crimes are can be committed anonymously.  Cybercrime is big business!

The "Ransomware as a Service" business model was developed for criminal purposes to make it even easier for criminals to conduct crimes. Ransomware requires little effort to deploy with potentially big payouts.  Criminals with little or no technical know-how can now blast out millions of emails to potential victims.  All they need is a few mouse clicks to make a lot of money.

Ransomware as a Service

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Tags: small business, small business technology advice., cybersecurity, ransomware, cybersecurity training

Technology New Year's Resolution:  Prioritize Your Technology Gaps

Posted by Ann Westerheim on 12/28/21 3:34 PM

Technology fuels local businesses these days, helping them achieve their goals and vision. At the same time, local businesses are also at increased risk for growing cyber threats worldwide – ALL businesses are impacted, not just the big ones that make national news. One of the important foundations of keeping your technology safe is to conduct a security risk assessment each year (at least!).

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Tags: small business, cybersecurity, cybersecurity training, security risk assessment

How to Get Started with an Incident Response Plan

Posted by Ann Westerheim on 12/20/21 11:53 AM

Cybersecurity headlines may sound scary, but it’s important for local businesses to know there are a lot of smart and affordable things you can do to fight back to stay more secure online and increase your chances of surviving a cyber event. A basic security risk assessment can help identify security gaps to remediate, and ongoing employee training will greatly help reduce “clicks” on the wrong things. Preventing problems is a lot less expensive and more effective than responding to an incident, but it’s not possible to eliminate all risk. As a technology service provider, Ekaru has been working with local businesses in the greater Boston area for many years, and having an incident response (IR) plan will make a big difference in your ability to successfully recover after a cyber incident.

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Tags: cybersecurity, cybersecurity training, incident response plan

Why is October Cybersecurity Awareness Month?

Posted by Ann Westerheim on 10/11/21 1:50 PM

October is time for Halloween, Pumpkin Spiced Lattes, and Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Have you ever wondered why there are so many quirky holidays? National Talk Like Shakespeare Day is celebrated on April 23rd for example. There's also Squirrel Appreciation Day which is on January 21st. It may seem confusing, but this just goes to show how diverse our culture really is!  While it may seem like some of these holidays are a bit silly, one of them is pretty important:  an entire month dedicated to cybersecurity. Now that’s a topic worthy of a holiday!

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Tags: cybersecurity, cybersecurity training

Ekaru Announces Commitment to Global Efforts Advocating for Cybersecurity and Online Behavior Change during Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Posted by Ann Westerheim on 9/27/21 4:01 PM

This year’s initiative highlights the growing importance of cybersecurity and encouraging individuals and organizations to take necessary measures to stay safe and secure in an increasingly connected world.

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Tags: cybersecurity, cybersecurity training

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