February 7 is Safer Internet Day, which is organized by Insafe each year to help promote safer and more responsible use of the Internet and mobile phones, especially among young people. There are events all over the world today with this year's theme focused on "Connecting generations and educating each other". This is a great idea because we can all help each other - tech savvy young people can teach their grandparents about how to get around on-line, and grandparents have the wisdom to help their grandchildren stay safe.
To learn more and get informed with some helpful statistics, visit the saferinternetday.org web site. Did you know that 26% of children report having a public social networking profile and 36% of 9-16 year olds report that they definitely know more about the Internet than their parents? 48% of parents report that they get Internet safety information mostly from family and friends. In the spirit of the day, talk to your family about Internet safety and help spread the word! You can also help spread the word on Facebook and Twitter.