It's a new year, and a great time to evaluate what's working well in your business and what could be better. If you don't have a robust Cybersecurity plan in place for your business, now is the time to get started.
Today's Cybersecurity experts blame a lack of training world wide as part of the epidemic. Someone in your business will click on just about anything. Do you have a training program in place? The MA Data Security Law, HIPAA, and other Industry specific regulations require ongoing employee training, but most small businesses haven't put a plan in place. Phish your employees to train them so they don't get phished by the bad actors. These days, cyber threats are automated, and no business is "under the radar".
Step one: Get the facts by downloading the report. 10 Ransomware Statistics All Businesses MUST Know
Less than one third of all ransomware cases are reported to authorities. Ekaru offers a full range of technical solutions to help secure businesses, but the human factor is often overlooked. An important and affordable way to help prevent attacks is to stop them before they happen with employee training.
Ready to sign up for training?