Cyber Fit In 21 Days

Cybersecurity for Main Street: Cyber Fit in 21 Days

Cybersecurity for you, your family, and your local business.

Are you worried by countless news headlines about cyber threats? Are you feeling overwhelmed about what you can do? Or maybe you’ve read the headlines with a sigh of relief, mistakenly thinking, “Only big companies are targets of attacks. It’s not something I need to worry about.” This book will throw light on the dangers and consequences you face from rampant and increasing cyber threats, and offer practical steps you can take to reduce your risks. Get Cyber Fit in just 21 days!

"As a small business owner, I found this book to be an invaluable resource for understanding the complex world of cybersecurity and how it applies to my business."

Topics Covered In The Book

In this conversational and action-oriented book, you’ll be presented with some easy to follow steps to help make you more secure online. This is cybersecurity for the 99%. Easy to understand explanations and even some fun cartoons!

CYBERSECURITY FOR MAIN STREET will give you the facts on:

  • Why cybercrime is skyrocketing
  • Who cyber criminals are targeting (yes, you!)
  • What all those techie buzzwords mean
  • Plus, a 21 Day Action Plan…
        …to curb your risks and strengthen your Cyber Fitness!
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Ann Westerheim

Ann Westerheim, PhD is the Founder and President of Ekaru, a Technology Service Provider of cybersecurity and IT services for small and medium businesses in the greater Boston area. Ann is an accomplished technology innovator and leader with three engineering degrees from MIT. 

Ann has over twenty years of high tech experience in research, advanced development, product development, and as an entrepreneur. Her career has spanned a vast range of technology endeavors including research in thin film semiconductors and superconductors, microprocessor fabrication, development of early telemedicine applications, and now focusing on the application of technology in business. She holds two patents and has an avid focus on the "last mile" of technology and decreasing the digital divide.