April 28, 2015: Data Protection - Is your data protected?

Are you confident your data is fully protected?  If your system crashes, or you get infected with a bad virus, your data backup will save the day... or not!  There are so many different choices for data backup, sometimes its hard to know what to do.  Is it safe to do a manual backup?  How long will it take to recover files if you lose data?  How long will it take to install applications on a new system, if needed?  We'll cover the different strategies, and the pros and cons of each to help you assess the status of your current backup and business continuity plan.

The Massachusetts Data Security Law and other industry data security regulations such as HIPAA require on-going employee training Our training sessions are designed to help you meet your training goals, and keep your network and data safe.  The sessions are short and focused to help you fit them into your schedule.

Do you have any specific questions you'd like to see us cover?  Let us know!

When:  Tuesday April 28, 2015 @ 12:15pm - 12:40pm

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